Small Business Marketing Articles

What Is Dynamic Content?

/ / Blog, Content, Evergreen, Keywords, SEO
cornerstone content-marketing

Dynamic content is specific content targeted and changes along with your viewer based on their interest.

If you have content on your site that covers multiple targeted audiences and potential lead bases, your content inevitably will segment. So, if you were a home remodeling company,

So, if you were a home remodeling company, a new homeowner would be interested in articles like “Home Remodeling for 1st Time Home Owners” but this article would not be of interest to a homeowner who has put 20 years in and ready for retirement. The retired viewer would find articles relating to selling a home, refinancing, remodeling ideas for your retirement home, etc.

As a visitor to your site reads these articles, you want to present relevant and interest related content to what they are interested in.

This also relates to your call-to-actions, freebies, freemiums and downloadable content.

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