Small Business Marketing Articles

Email Marketing – 9 Emails Your Business Should Be Sending

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email marketing campaigns setup

If you currently have an email marketing campaign or are ready to start one, there are definitely certain emails your company should be sending out to maximize engagement.

One big question to ask is “How often should I send emails to my readers?”

The frequency in which you send emails can depend on how often you want to be seen and what your comfort level of your readers is.

If your readers do not want to receive emails every day, then you may want to start out with only 1 email each week and work from there. This allows you to send 4 different emails in a month. Once you establish authority and familiarity without opt-outs from your frequency rhythm, go ahead and bump it up. Send one email every 5 days means you can send 5 different emails a month.

Email Marketing Frequency Example

We suggest planning ahead and in monthly increments. Start by asking, “What type of frequency have you been using and what would you think your audience would be okay with starting out?”

Always start less and gradually work your way up over 3-4 months. We suggest sending at least 1 newsletter a month and at least two other emails throughout the month.

Email Schedule Sample

If you want to send 1 email…

  • Every other week means you will send 2 emails a month.
  • Once a week means you will need to plan 4 emails a month.
  • Every 5 days means you will send 5 different emails a month.
  • Within 3 days means you will send 10 different emails a month.


Types of Emails To Send

Now that you have determined your frequency, now it’s time to decide what type of emails to send out. See our list below of the different types of emails that you should be sending your customers and leads.

  • Welcome Email – One time only, initial email
  • Promotional Email – Once a month at most, leads and customers
  • New Product Email – Leads and customers
  • Newsletter Email – Leads and customers
  • Product or Service Advice Email – Leads, Customers
  • Educational Email – Every other month at most, Non-customers are great recipients
  • Re-Order Email – To Customers only
  • Testimonial Request Email – To customers only
  • Survey Email –


Email Marketing Campaign Example

With the frequency plan setup and the types of emails in mind, we are ready to start planning out the next year’s schedule.

For example, let’s say you determine 1 email every week is sufficient. That’s four emails a month. The campaign plan should look something like this


Daily – Welcome Email to new opt-ins

  • Week 1, 1st Email – Monthly Promotion Email (Valentine’s Specials coming up)
  • Week 1, 2nd Email – Newsletter (doesn’t count towards total emails a month)
  • Week 2 – New Product
  • Week 3 – Educational (About product XYZ)
  • Week 4 –  Educational (Popular Products)

By planning out your monthly email campaigns, it becomes easier to stay organized and plan content with the team.

The best results are when you are at least 3 months ahead which allows ample time for content creation and creative artwork for photography, videos and images.




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